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This line crept into the collective conscious and even inspired the name of the 1996 movie Feeling Minnesota, starring Keanu Reeves and Cameron Diaz. Live performances of this song always included the "Chris Cornell Stomp, " which became one of his signature stage moves. >> Suggestion credit: Jonathon - Clermont, FL Following " Jesus Christ Pose, " this was the second single released from Badmotorfinger, which was Soundgarden's first platinum-selling album. It helped get the band a spot opening for Guns n' Roses, since Axl Rose was a fan. When Chris Cornell started doing one-man shows in 2011 on his Songbook tour, this was a highlight of his setlist. Cornell says the song is very well-suited for acoustic performance. "I had written an instrumental part in the middle, an interlude, on electric guitar, " he told Rolling Stone. "On acoustic guitar, it turned out to have a nice Led Zeppelin-y feel. And the vocals flipped into a dirty-blues thing. " In March of 1992, Cornell spoke to Rock Power about writing more personal lyrics on Badmotorfinger.

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Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) introduced the NO PORK Act on Friday, which would strip the $350 million in refugee funding in the CARES Act and redistribute it to the U. S. Border Patrol and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Breitbart News has learned exclusively. Gaetz introduced the Negating Outlandish Pork in Our Reinvestment Kit Act, or NO PORK Act, to rescind a Democrat provision that the Florida conservative contends would radically reshape America to fit their leftist agenda. Congressman Gaetz said in a statement on Friday: It is unacceptable that Democrats have chosen to use the COVID-19 pandemic as an opportunity to socially reengineer our country to conform to their agenda. We should be coming together as a country and working to advance policies that put America and the American people first. I'm proud to introduce the 'No Pork Act, ' which revokes the $350 million set aside for illegal immigrants in the CARES Act and sends it to ICE and Border Patrol, who are working tirelessly each day on the front lines of the pandemic to keep America safe.

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