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IN: Horno-Delgado, Ortega, Scott, and Sternbach, Breaking Boundaries: Latina Writing and Critical Readings. Amherst: U of Massachusetts P; 1989. pp. 111–116 Puerto Rican Writers in the United States, Puerto Rican Writers in Puerto Rico: A Separation beyond Language By: Mohr, Nicholasa; The Americas Review: A Review of Hispanic Literature and Art of the USA, 1987 Summer; 15 (2): 87-92. An Interview with Nicholasa Mohr By: Natov, Roni; The Lion and the Unicorn: A Critical Journal of Children's Literature, 1987 Apr. ; 11 (1): 116-121. Back Down These Mean Streets: Introducing Nicholasa Mohr and Louis Reyes Rivera By: Flores, Juan; Revista Chicano-Riquena, 1980; 8 (2): 51-56. Nicholasa Mohr: Neorican Writings in Progress: 'A View of the Other Culture' By: Miller, John C. ; Revista/Review Interamericana, 1979; 9: 543-54. The Emigrant and New York City: A Consideration of Four Puerto Rican Writers By: Miller, John C. ; MELUS, 1978 Fall; 5 (3): 82-99. See also List of famous Puerto Ricans List of Puerto Rican writers Latin American literature Nuyorican Movement Nuyorican Poets Café Puerto Rican literature German immigration to Puerto Rico References External links Heath Anthology bio Balkin Buddies bio

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¿Cómo es posible? 6. 8 Las diosas del porno – Voodoo passion Susan, la esposa del cónsul británico en Haiti, llega a vivir con su esposo Jack, a quien no ve desde hace años, ella es bien recibida por Inés, una extraña lesbiana que sirve como una especie de ama de llaves. Ella también conoce a Olga, una rubia malhablada y ninfómana, hermana de Jack. Susan está preocupada por sufrir extrañas pesadillas... 3. 8 Eros una vez María María es el gran amor de Tonatiuh, hasta que un día la pierde. Intentando conservar la esencia de su amada, la buscará incansablemente en otras mujeres, tratando de obtener de todas sus experiencias algo que le recuerde a su amor perdido. Todas esas mujeres tienen una salvedad: también se llaman María. 6 La hija de Drácula – La fille de Dracula Una joven visita a su abuela gravemente enferma en el patrimonio familiar. En su lecho de muerte, la anciana le revela a su nieta la maldición de la familia: todos son vampiros. La joven decide mudarse a la finca de su tío y su primo, y pronto se encuentra a sí misma víctima de la maldición.

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First words Not for the first time, an argument had broken out over breakfast at number four, Privet Drive. Quotations "My dear boy,... do use your common sense. My books wouldn't have sold half as well if people didn't think I'd done those things. No one wants to read about some ugly old Armenian warlock, even if he did save a village from werewolves. He'd look dreadful on the front cover. No dress sense at all. And the witch who banished the Bandon Banshee had a hairy chin. I mean, come on... " "So you've just been taking credit for what a load of other people have done? " "Harry, Harry, " said Lockhart, shaking his head impatiently, "It's not nearly as simple as that. There was work involved. I had to track those people down. Ask them exactly how they managed to do what they did. ^Then I had to put a memory charm on them so they wouldn't remember doing it. ^... No, it's been a lot of work, Harry. It's not all book-signings and publicity photos, you know. You want fame, you have to be prepared for a long hard slog. "

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