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It only costs one Compound. It seems to add a total of 80 seconds of oxygen as a buffer. However, once it is depleted, it is gone. The interesting thing is that if you wait until you've used some oxygen before building a Filter, it will refill your oxygen level back to full. So if you actually bring along a Compound, and then craft it into Filters when your oxygen starts to run out, it'll last you even longer than normal. For example, if you start out with a full base oxygen tank and an additional full Tank and a fresh new Filters, you'll last for around 220 seconds. However, if you only craft the Filters once you've run out of oxygen in your tanks, you'll get a free refill on them, letting you last 370 seconds instead. Finally, you can also harvest Oxygen as a resource. Each full stack of Oxygen will last for a total of about 35 seconds, and they are consumable and simply get used first (unlike Filters, they don't refill your oxygen supply, either). So raw Oxygen as a resource is the worst way to replenish your supply, although it's handy if you're caving and just happen to stumble across a bit while you're harvesting other things or have no Compound.

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Clique aqui para ver essa postagem atualizar! Provavelmente você joga em console com destrave LT 3 e após copia o jogo para o HD com a intenção de economizar a lente do leitor, ao iniciar certo jogo, após um curto periodo de tempo ele apresenta a segunte mensagem. Depois de aperta A, o console reinicia imediatamente de forma brusca. Sim sei como é chato. A solução é simples. Conecte um pendrive ou um celular com música ao Xbox 360; Inicie a musica e deixe tocando "você pode deixar com volume ou sem"; Inicie o jogo. Pronto!!! fácil né? Ainda bem que é rsrsrs. Agora é só desfrutar do seu jogo sem que essa mensagem apareça de novo. Vamos la galera ao comentar deixe seu Gamerteg.

BLEU's output is always a number between 0 and 1. This value indicates how similar the candidate text is to the reference texts, with values closer to 1 representing more similar texts. Few human translations will attain a score of 1, since this would indicate that the candidate is identical to one of the reference translations. For this reason, it is not necessary to attain a score of 1. Because there are more opportunities to match, adding additional reference translations will increase the BLEU score. [4] Algorithm [ edit] BLEU uses a modified form of precision to compare a candidate translation against multiple reference translations. The metric modifies simple precision since machine translation systems have been known to generate more words than are in a reference text. This is illustrated in the following example from Papineni et al. (2002), Example of poor machine translation output with high precision Candidate the Reference 1 cat is on mat Reference 2 there a Of the seven words in the candidate translation, all of them appear in the reference translations.

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El can con nombre del genio mexicano revela los intereses de este autor que publica en castellano y catalán. Su viejo perro, dice, «ha sido mi hijo, mi hermano, todo». En cuanto a sus trabajos de traductor, versiones españolas de Jack London, Oscar Wilde o Gertrude Stein. Admirador de Emily Dickinson, Jeanette Winterson –de la que tradujo en 2015 «El mundo y sus lugares»– y Agota Kristof, Palomas recibió en 2016 el premio Nacional de Literatura Infantil y Juvenil por « Un hijo », segundo título de una trilogía que abrió « Una madre » y que cerró, cómo no, « Un perro » (2016). El jurado destacó «su obra profunda y emotiva que trata con originalidad temas actuales» y sus personajes, que crecen en una trama que «engancha al lector». La inspiración canina dio, ese mismo año, el cuento « Las dos orillas », sobre la pérdida de una mascota. Sea en el género juvenil o en la literatura para adultos, Palomas novela situaciones familiares con personajes que entran y salen de sus historias y piensa en imágenes: lo demostró en la película « Ojos de invierno », cuyo guion está basado en la novela « Tanta vida ».

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DIALOGUES OF THE GODS A monologue from the dialogues of Lucian Adapted for the stage by Baudelaire Jones NOTE: This monologue is reprinted with the author's permission. All inquiries should be directed to the author at: HERA: You should be ashamed of yourself! Lord of the gods! Hah! Your behavior wouldn't be proper even if you were some mortal peasant! You desert me, your lawful wife, and go carousing with mortal women at all hours of the day and night with no consideration for my feelings! It's not respectable! At least those sluts of yours remained on Earth, while you've brought this youth from Ida into my own house! He actually lives with us! I have to pick up after him! Oh, I've seen how you take the cup from him! Everyone sees! It's embarrassing! Even when you're not thirsty! After tasting, you hand the cup back and insist that he drink too, then you receive it again, all googly-eyed, making sure to take the remainder from the spot where the boy has placed his lips so you can drink and kiss at the same time in front of us all!

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